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Welcome to Everglow

For starters this content will be 5E only, I may create a Fate Core version later.

There are very few hard no's. You can pick anything you want, BUT if it's not in there you will be an exception, a curiosity, and you will get a shit-ton of prejudice, and maybe even people who want to capture you. Be prepared.

Minor changes

  • Feats are allowed. You can, if you have the prerequisites, forfeit one stat bonus for a feat on creation.
  • Rogues, Bards and Fighters can have Proficiency in the Intelligence(Mechanist) skill.

Major Changes

  • There is no alignment. Any limitation or preference regarding alignment is effaced. Any skill or spell regarding detecting or reading alignment only detects surface and current emotions. Everyone is all alignments and none depending on their actions.
  • Languages: There is Common, Demonic, Southern, Elvish and Dwarven. Everyone knows common apart from Dwarves and Elves. They only know their own language unless they take extra languages. Written versions of those languages are their own slot. You get additional language slots for every bonus point on Intelligence (round up), remember reading and writing that language is its own slot.
  • There is no Unholy or Holy, nor are there undead. "Summon undead" and such things summon outsiders with similar stats (that look like anything the player wishes). Outsiders (like Demons and such) require life-force to remain in the current plane of existence, willingly given (even possibly of someone else, and not necessarily of their free will). Turning undead becomes "Turn outsider" and can return outsiders to their plane or drain them of life-force.
  • There are no gods. There is only Daashk't, which is in all of us, and the Elves believe there's the Allfather. Divine magic doesn't come from Gods, it comes from the people around them, because we're all part of Daashk't, and Daashk't is all a part of us.